lördag 25 juli 2015


Now in Gotenborg ISIS suporters have been charged for war crimes and murder. And with thoes chrages there will be zero chances of getting work even they are well edjucated. Imams have now start to preach to try to reduce people joining ISIS. Every political party in Sweden all agree this strict laws needs to be quickly implemented in swedish statesystem. And so it's done. 

So this well edjucated ISIS soldiers dont have the chance to return to Sweden after going down to join ISIS and massslauter children and infants.
Cause when they are convicted by swedish coart they are banned from Sweden. And by joining ISIS it does not matter one has family in our country joining ISIS and massmurder are now not allowed by law. 
I am proud of our swedish politians that in this serious issue with ISIS and their destructive soldiers we take an peacefull but strong stand in this sadly growing issue over political differences and join forces.

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