fredag 17 juli 2015


One way i understand why EU& IMF gives loans to Greece. But the other way i condem eu:s & imf:s blidness for what the endresult will be for the population. Humantary disaster. The lowest salary in Greece and european countries with € is so low they cant exist on one job and live in a apartment or house alone. Cant even cover money to food and medecine after house costs are paid.And that is before it was on the table for new emergancy loan. I'm proud state tax staff from Sweden edjucated on democratic tax laws are in Greece helping state set up new routines and an easier path to reduce corruption. But EU and IMF have to realise it is not realistic to demand anymore salarycuts. 
What Greece population need is an emergancy benefit and help with food suply for comming years and benefit to change currency into DRASCHMER. Of cause it will take years to pay back som of the loans but older debts have to be written off for the Greece population to have an fighting chance to bounce economical back on pluz.

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