torsdag 1 oktober 2015


If one thinks logical how Putin thinks buissness way, he dont want him or russia's 99 oligarks to loose their stolen fortune. So better to make deal with ISIS cause south and east Russia suports ISIS, if he makes Russia to ISIS new safe heaven, will ISIS leaders alowe russias oligarks including Putin to keep their fortunes and former state companies.

But to succeed with this deal he needs to kill off Assad's every political oponants including opositions population so that means a cuple of million sunnis on Putin and al-Assad's hitlist. But will Putin and al-Assad military forces be abel to take on sunnis kurd Erdogan Turkey who stands between ISIS now position in Syria and their earlier plans to take Crimea and south part of Russia.

Does he trust ISIS leaders that they keep their promise to russias oligarks to let them keep their companies and fortune at any cost and way to still be in power to be abel to keep their hugh amount of money. They have realy adopted Bush mantra get buissness as cheep and free as possibel in any way possibel.

So the question is now how rest of the world UN and NATO can alowe such deal to go thru. Cause it will have an negative inpac for buissness both state and private. Or are EU countries going to have backbone to stand up and say enough of USA and RUSSIA bully rest of the world and specially sunni countries.

Cause NATO forces joined have to end this destructive terror organisations now Putin uses for him and russias oligarks to keep their stolen fortune and rest of the world in an destructive iron grip. Or will Usa and Russias economical destructive way of ruling the world keep on ?

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