lördag 12 september 2015


Jordan and Lebanon who has now over 1000 000 refugees each and over 1000 000 more refugees moste likely will come when borders to Europe will close. But great honor to this countries for how many refugees they recive. But it is not only words they need, they need also economical benefit to cover the costs for having this refugees for all this time we deal of sorting out ISIS.

I hope ECB& IMF will be generous with their benefit to their need of economical aid. And thoes who now want to give economical aid have to follow some ethical guidlines so they dont loose credibility like Usa. Focus on economical aid for refugees and futher on in about 6 month or more one can focus on other state buissness. 

Liked Obama and UN's Bakemon sad humantary aid from Un and Usa cost each country an natural resource if money cant be paid, witch always goes if it's oil&gaz to Bush and Cheney.
I hope serous that Un and Usa dont conduct buissness on same time as they public give humantary aid but keep this things seperated.

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