tisdag 25 augusti 2015


That Usa are taking bombers to Ukrane has made ISIS go off. Cause in this caos Putin has created with suporting prorussian rebels and crinimal prorussians in east Ukrane open wide open also for ISIS sleeping cells with Usa forces in the mix, with Russian troops the easiest opening for ISIS to gain ground in southern Russia and Ukrane but also in Crimea. 
So what greater tactic to make an devils turn and create caos of scare tactic in european countries with shakin isis cells keeping attention to Europe so they have free entrance to Ukrane,south Russia and Crimea. 
It seem that as Putin have control over uranium,oil and gaz in Crimea nothing else concern him. Crinimal rebels rule Crimea witch open up for muslim/islamic exstreemists well edjucated and well shapely adepted to Crimea/Russian society so it's not easy to see who is who realy. 
Instead of being productive Putin put all state money on fight in east Ukrane than fight an more serous threat against Russia: ISIS, cause soon they reach their goal with an little help from Usa. Witch has become Usa forces evil tail.
Isis goal map seem more of an reality.Our nightmare.

And i want to delite ISIS even with their arain men and wimen totally. Cause their dreamland are going to be their families worst and deadly nightmare too. Isis soldiers have to seem forgotten their families and for the arian soldiers from Russia, Finland,Sweden,Germany,Baltic countries, Hungary, Italy,Greece,Belarus,Georgia europe,Norway, Denmark, England, France,Usa,Canada China,Japan, some countries to mention. Crinimals,war veterans ,well edjucated students ,bomb experts,weapon experts, computer experts,hackers are some of the people working area. But also people who know drugtrading,human trafficking that ISIS has recruted around the world as sleeping cells. But now working with something else untill green light from ISIS leaders.
And that green light is going to be by stepping up weapons between Usa and Russia with the caos that always follows Putins intrance to an political arena. But this time the price will be much higher for Russian and Ukraners and european countries near Russia. 

Are we ready to follow Valdimir Putin's economical down spiral, can we afford that is the question more like ?
With Vladimir Putin's intellegence i'm realy disapointed what path he has chosed.

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