söndag 30 augusti 2015


We wimen around the world can have an positive inpact on male politians. Political power is for many sexy. And for male politians that means beatifull sexy mistress.

But we wimen has also to realise that we have power and big possibility to make positive influence with our hand on their manhoods. And we wimen are better at multi tasking than men.Also in buissness.

So honor to thoes wimen who uses their female power in an political positive productive way.


Det är bara att inse folkets relation till våra politiker har blivit mer komplicerad beroende hur varje lands ledande politiker hanterar folkets reaktioner på dom politiska besluten, som ibland eller många gånger inte faller väljarna i smaken. Men att fängsla dom som talar emot sittande landsledare hur deras vardag blivit visar mer politisk svaghet.
Så politiker,statsministrar, presidenter och kungar med att höra befolkningens ord och göra politiska kompromisser blir man inte sämre politisk älskare för det. Tvärtom.


Att Putin vill bli en ny världs ledare börjar man inse. Men tyvärr passar Putin kostymen inte alla länders stats ekonomiska styrning eller exportvara. Mer passande maffia och kriminella verksamheter med drogverksamhet.

Det är som att Putin erbjuder sin sexiga kropp på ärliga grunder men sen visar det sig att han har helt andra avsikter med sitt erbjudande. Det är lite som att jobba under KGB stil som inte passar som rysk president eller regering eller Gazprom ledning eller Rosatom styrelse. Och att ha gjort det sen år 2000 och folk sagt högt hur verkligheten blivit negativ verkar man fortsätta i samma stil. Vilket ur företags synvinkel är ekonomiskt destruktivt.

Då man med militär kontrollerar och skapar kaos och rejäl miljöförstöring och med yttligare gräva ner över 1000 000 ton med plastförpackade matprodukter ner direkt i jorden med allt miljönegativt det innebär.Som motsvar till direkta order till övriga världen som USA order följ våra pekpinnar gällande Putin och blunda för USAS direkta rättsövergrepp i Afghanistan.
Fast Rysslands krigsmani borde ligga på att bekämpa ISIS för att återfå omvärldens respekt och kämpa emot världens sjunkande statsbudgetar som framöver kommer göra det omöjligt för olika länder att göra affärer med ryska staten liksom med EUS länder och resten av världen. Fast det är väl bara affärspersoner med integritet och god ekonomisk ledning av företag som ser det. 
För politiker och vissa länders ledare verkar det bli mer: OH hur kunde det bli så här!!. Precis som deras reaktioner gällande den humanitära flyktingkatastrofen al-Assad med hjälp av ISIS,Ryssland, USA och FN skapat.


I thought Un had some honest ethical guidlines but with Usa leading UN they have big lack of ethical guidlines.

First of all Un, Usa and Russia aproves al-Assad gives chemical missils to ISIS of course he also provides ISIS with chemical weapons as it has been shown so far they dont use it against al-Assad and his troops but on al-Assads political oposition and it's population in northen Syria.
And as i know in Un are aslo EU COUNTRIES, they could have stopped that aproval if they did not lack any political backbone and now be not so chocked about the desperate refugee disaster now in europe.

Second Usa total blindness for their hunt on ISIS and their cooperation with Erdogan, asking him to join fight against ISIS. So public Erdogan started war against ISIS. The reality is more Erdogan started war on ISIS 29/8 not 2 week earlier witch were sad before. Then he started to fight the kurds and PKK. So yet again EU with UN and USA aproves Erdogan to fight his private hatefull battle against kurds and PKK before the moste urgent for Turkey's economical state treatures economical threat from ISIS and their sleeping cells.

By UN,Usa,Russia, EU keep on doing like they do now makes Usam Bin Ladin's dream of economical draining every countries state treature into high gear. And this Vladimir Putin think make more countries afford doing big buissness with him with his high gazprizes witch force the customers to aply his political agenda even if it put's the countries in big negative down turn.Not all countries in the world is economical suited for Putin shortsited agenda. Well if it has not worked economical positive for Usa it wount work Putin's way neither in Putin suit.

But when leaders lead an country the old way when it is needed to take it in an more honest positive buissness direction with strongly reduced corruption. And when population in peacefull demonstration,news reports and art tells no more corruption. But thoes leaders who jail thoes people say then in real action that 55% have to go to corrupt goverment leaders of an state profit, accept that or get jailed. Next wind try to fight maffia public viewed but get paid by maffia and other crinimal louting gangs and get paid by this crinimals behind gov's doors. So they can be strong and active so they have some to put the blame on if it becomes like an state TITANIC. Witch makes so called honest leaders fight against maffia and corruption just look like actors for the public.

fredag 28 augusti 2015


Våra svenska politikers totala förtroende för Usa förvånar mig. Först över bristen på reaktion från våra FN delegater och EU över att dom gett med al-Assads medverkan 3 stycken kemiska missiler att bomba en oljeanläggning som var in kriminella rebeller kontroll men sen  tog ISIS dom, detta rond 1.
Rond 2 med Usa och FN godkänna att al-Assad får attackera sina politiska opponenters byar om han skulle hjälpa till i kriget mot ISIS. 
Rond 3 Usa, Ryssland och FN godkänner än en gång att han får utveckla sina attacker mot sina politiska opponnenter bara han genomför riktiga attacker mot ISIS. Men nu visar det sig så att ISIS använder inte bara mot deras så kallade fiender kemiska stridsvapen dom tagit från al-Assads vapenförråd. Så nu panikflyr över 2000 000 assyrier för sina liv från ISIS, kriminella rebeller och al-Assads bombningar och militärer.
Sen har vi ju Afghanistan, där nu USA sen dom gjorde en humanitär insats stödd av FN militär tog betalt av afghanska regeringen deras enda 2 statliga guldgruvor. Som än idag sköt och drivs av Usas militär. Obehandlat guld körs i stora truckar till hamn och skeppas i fartyg över till fantastiska USA. Dom kommer så länge det finns guld i gruvorna ha en militär styrka tungt och skarp laddat possitionerade runt gruvorna för att hindra olaga intrång av afghaner. Och några bönder med nån matproduktion finns inte i Afghanistan utan det har blommat upp opium odlingar som drivs av kriminella rebeller,Al Qaida och ISIS. Deras heroin används för att få mer operativa soldater och befolkning. Vilket gör att mer afghaner nu flyr ett outhärdligt liv. Och allt detta har våra SVENSKA POLITIKER i EU och FN full vetskap om. Och säger till USA duktiga pojkar så här hjälper man länder i nöd. För hittills har inget land hittills kommit med några ekonomiska sanktioner mot USA utan följer USAS FN pekpinnar utan några som helst betänkligheter.

Men det är väl skillnad vilket NATO land som begår brott mot ett lands suvärenitet och ekonomiska självständighet. För att bli Bushad, ett fattigt land betalar med sitt sista statliga bolag som i Afghanistan och våra svenska politiker säger detta är helt i sin ordning. I mina ögon slår man undan chansen till någon som helst återvändo till att stå ekonomiskt på egna ben. Men stackars USA dom har ju rätten att göra så mot FN och EU:s länder, för det är ju världspolisen som dikterar världens villkor inte vi alla gemensamt.


-Hur många företagare är villig att betala en obligatorisk arbetslöshetsförsäkring oavsett du vill som företagare lösa det på annat sätt. Frågan är också på vilken nivå ska dom lägga beloppet för företagare små som stora företagare.
-Minskat fokus på internationella insatser. Då måste det ju innebära att dom vill höja pengarna till försvaret till 3-3,5% av Sveriges BNP årligen. Och att om Finland eller Norge hamnar i krig med Ryssland rycker Jimmie Åkesson och kompani på axlarna med kommentaren angår inte oss det är ju inte i Sverige. Vi placerar bara soldater så inte skiten kommer in i Sverige.

Man kan ju tro att dom ser företagen nationella enbart och inte globala. För att bli lönsam företag i Sverige idag skapar man internationella samarbeten världen över oavsett vad snävsynta politiker tycker å tänker.Utveckla gemensamt produkter som sen produceras i olika länder som i sin tur skapar jobb.


Dom nya presenterade lagarna mot terrorism. Är bra till en viss del. Livstid fängelse ner till några år beroende på graden av åtalet för krigsbrott och krigsresor oavsett till vilket krig dom reser i världen. Vi har ju fortfarande sen efter avsutten tid i fängelse fortfarande f d ISIS soldater i Sverige med vad dom fått höra dag ut och dag in, från morgon till kväll att avhumanisera sina offer vare sig dom är barn eller vuxna.

Sen har vi ju dom ariska män och kvinnor som anslutit sig till ISIS som soldater. Att sitta i fängelse och sen ingå teoretiska program för att avprogramera dom från ISIS ideologi måste ju kännas som en barnlek för dom för att sen bli fri att fortsätta ISIS dogmer.

Dom har ju egentligen inget att förlora. Men om dom skulle förlora sin rätt att vara svensk medborgare tror jag rekryteringen skulle minska drastiskt och kosta mindre i åtgärder för svenska staten.Och då menar jag förstås att dom ARISKA ISIS soldaterna också ska förlora sin svenska stats tillhörighet. Men kanske det är lite för ekonomiskt för att dagens politiker skulle nappa på ett sånt förslag, det kostar ju för lite pengar säkert.

onsdag 26 augusti 2015


Ukranian film maker Oleg Sentsov 39 years old in prison for being charged for terror actions in Crimea after it has become russian.

This man born in Crimea why would he start to make up terror plans in his home backyard, home where it should be and feel safe without any weapon fire near by or bomb explosion like in arabic are or east Ukrane. An arian man known to the world for his movies and documentaries.

The question one should ask is Putin scared of another wellknown artist either he is ukraner or russian having an other political view and opinion than himself. Or is Putin's staff overprotecting him from other political opinions so they are protected from loosing something they dont want to loose.

Poor poor Medvedev and Putin with their high IQ, not being allowed using their intellegence in having an political discussion with strong political oponants. Oh what a nightmare in russian parlament, they must be falling in sleep of being bored with all the yes sayers. And with political oponants being scared of their political opinions getting them into jail. It shows more lack and loss of intellectual stimulance in russias political arena. It would make more of the russian population and youth more involved and feeling a part of state system and not controled every move by it.

Well i'm thankfull for our politians allowing swedish population having different opinions then swedish primeminister and goverment has. And our politians realise try to realise that we voters elected politians to parlament and not the politians elected themself. That they work for the population and not population work for them in parlament.


I was hoping for Russia Vladimir Putin and Usa Barack Obama would put an cork in this weapon strength measurement between them. 
Russia smartest move from an buissness point of view would have been like in Putin 4:th of december speach to return former state owned companies to state treature. But to realy get russian oligarks on this they would have been able to keep 20% of fortune and still be well off than before. But his positive balloon  have lost lot of it's positive air.And it's soon empty. And if his dream was to make Russia bigger have some economical positive to offer Ukraners besides debt.
Now can we ordinary population just view it all from ringside doing Usa same misstake like in Afghanistan and sadly ISIS taking an opurtunity to be astablished in Ukrane more than they are today. Cause with war  comes caos witch in thoes enviroments thrive crinimals rebels,drug gangs and ISIS but also arian nazi. But if Putin and some other leaders think we can afford have them stronger active in our countries who am i to argue with such well edjucated smart leaders.

tisdag 25 augusti 2015


That Usa are taking bombers to Ukrane has made ISIS go off. Cause in this caos Putin has created with suporting prorussian rebels and crinimal prorussians in east Ukrane open wide open also for ISIS sleeping cells with Usa forces in the mix, with Russian troops the easiest opening for ISIS to gain ground in southern Russia and Ukrane but also in Crimea. 
So what greater tactic to make an devils turn and create caos of scare tactic in european countries with shakin isis cells keeping attention to Europe so they have free entrance to Ukrane,south Russia and Crimea. 
It seem that as Putin have control over uranium,oil and gaz in Crimea nothing else concern him. Crinimal rebels rule Crimea witch open up for muslim/islamic exstreemists well edjucated and well shapely adepted to Crimea/Russian society so it's not easy to see who is who realy. 
Instead of being productive Putin put all state money on fight in east Ukrane than fight an more serous threat against Russia: ISIS, cause soon they reach their goal with an little help from Usa. Witch has become Usa forces evil tail.
Isis goal map seem more of an reality.Our nightmare.

And i want to delite ISIS even with their arain men and wimen totally. Cause their dreamland are going to be their families worst and deadly nightmare too. Isis soldiers have to seem forgotten their families and for the arian soldiers from Russia, Finland,Sweden,Germany,Baltic countries, Hungary, Italy,Greece,Belarus,Georgia europe,Norway, Denmark, England, France,Usa,Canada China,Japan, some countries to mention. Crinimals,war veterans ,well edjucated students ,bomb experts,weapon experts, computer experts,hackers are some of the people working area. But also people who know drugtrading,human trafficking that ISIS has recruted around the world as sleeping cells. But now working with something else untill green light from ISIS leaders.
And that green light is going to be by stepping up weapons between Usa and Russia with the caos that always follows Putins intrance to an political arena. But this time the price will be much higher for Russian and Ukraners and european countries near Russia. 

Are we ready to follow Valdimir Putin's economical down spiral, can we afford that is the question more like ?
With Vladimir Putin's intellegence i'm realy disapointed what path he has chosed.

måndag 24 augusti 2015


I hope Barack Obama succeed with making USA a bit cleaner. But it cant be easy when Bush and Cheney have 58% of Washingtons politians on their payroll. And their buissness are not enviromental friendly products.

But honor to Barack Obama and his political party to try to put an cork in the toxic polution in Usa.


Un peaceplan in Syria was controled by Usa, but their peaceplan failed. One has to admitt it is not easy with so many militant crinimal deadly groups besides ISIS. And when al-Assad demands if he join fight ISIS he have to be allowed to take out his political oponants witch Russia also aproves besides Usa and UN. Witch ticks off ISIS and other crinimal rebels in Syria and nothern Irak. 
So all focus on Syria now and more crinimal arabic groups also drawn to warzone Syria. But in reality spreads futher on to surounding countries.Witch makes more people Shiits,Sunnis,Alawiits and other groups flee.
But sadly 2 countries with another war strategy is China and Russia who the now living ISIS leaders havent dealt with. Russian army can fight an different way than when Russia was in Afghanistan and used Usam Bin Ladin as an military informer and then after they did not need him dumbed him. So Al Qaida that Usam started havent with ISIS met new russian army or Chinees army in war battle.
The american army they are wellknown with but not dealing with russian or chinees army.

Does ISIS have to make an dealdy strike in Russia before Valdimir Putin reacts. And will President Xi Jinping join ?


August round with EU and Greece with new loan to be abel to pay august and september. But new loan waits in the horizon for being abel to pay october. That is an HUGH debt on over 200%.

Let's play with an thought that you have an house with an bankloan of 75% of current value and like Greece and EU loan 2 times more. And demand you pay intrest and amortization 2 times higher than your income. Ordinary population would not be in this inpossible situation they would have declared bankrupt. But why demand higher payment moral of population when neither lot of EU and UN countries have an hugh state debt.
Usa have 750 billion us dollar in state debt,Greece have now around 360 billion us dollars and Russia have 250 billion us dollars in state debt and severel other countries have also rising debts.Why dont this leaders walk their talk and be an positive rawmodel for ordinary population.


To be George W Bush little brother like Jeb Bush  cant be easy now to step in the political arena. And say i'm not my brother George and i dont mix private buissness with state buissness. 
Hmm just like that George W Bush sad and made his family buissness state buissness and made it permanent. So now when Usa president go round the world doing state buissness it does not include state owned companies but all the deals the current president makes goes to Bush oil companies and Cheneys gaz companies. Witch in reality means tax income to usa state treature, well better than nothing.

The question is now how strong is Jeb Bush against family pressure to make state affairs their buissness also in future. Cause so far the only state owned company only owned by USA state are their war machine. And that works acting world police and peacemaker but taking state owned natural reources as payment witch makes some Washington politians owning companies producing high tech weapons rich also.
Is Jeb Bush strong enough mentaly to stand up against family pressure to include family buissness into state and walk his owned indepedent way and learn from his brother misstake. But he has also to realise many of the world countries is not going to trust him for a cuple of years before he have showed the world he dont listen totally to George W Bush wispering demands.


The people who joins ISIS today are not only arabic refugees returning to arabic area to fight an holy war. It's arian men and wimen has also joined ISIS but of an another reason than ISIS religous ideology.
Todays fight does with rape and serous abuse small children and infants. Even christian arabic small children are first murdered and their head are cut off,then to top it all off they rape the bodies. That is nekrofile.
So if one think of all the facts soldiers are arabics who returns to fight an holy war as they say but sadly the truth are much ugglier than that with arian men and wimen ISIS becomes something much else than an exstreem religous organisation they are more an deadly economical destructive terror organisation and every one in this organisation will have no chance to return to an normal life after doing what they now are doing. Soldiers are just people who have an religous fasad to be abel to rape,torture, abuse and massslauter. 
In to this mess comes also with Un aproval al-Assad who now have an chance to delete his political oponants with his chemical weapons. And Erdogan taking care of PKK and on same time take out some unarmed kurds who he hates, also aproved by USA with their tail UN. But also into to this deadly mix we have different crinimal armed terror groups also on an killing louting path. So no wonder an hugh amount of refugees flee in pure panic from arabic area.

And in Afghanistan we have an fight over opium production between taliban, ISIS, Al Qaida and different militant groups who also threatens ordinary afghan citizens.

söndag 23 augusti 2015


Islam Karimov Uzbekistan put Uzbekistan jounarlist 15 years in prison for telling what one of his daughters did. She made an extra deal with Telia with extra severel billion of us dollar on a swiss bankaccount. And also revealed that Karimov family is taking from Uzbekistan state owned companies profit to their own private pockets. But Ilsams daughter took the louting and scam to an much higher level than islam him self planed for.                                                  Dictators have to realise their children will go severel steps futher and do much more damage then parents, cause parents showed children no limits and Karimov is sadly the proof of that. And he or his family will change that destructive path but instead isolate the country more and kill people in Uzbekistan who sas anything against them, sad development. I thought by the years dictators got wiser.


For a cuple of weeks ago ISIS militants killed 19 girls who refused to have sex with militants.

What the militants dont seem to get a grip of is how to handle an relations with girls. They get angry and feel serous offended when we say something real critical about them and dont want their interpretation of Koran. We also dont accept their apauling treatment of their wimen and it has nothing to do with their religion. They see wimen as useless and dirty cattle who shall kiss their apauling butts for existing on this earth. Come on even an acedemic edjucated person can understand to be treated like crap it is not an turn on. The fromer ISIS leaders are still ticked off cause they were abused and tortutered in prison and they still go on killing revenge.

And sadly this has become an destructive pattern...

ISIS leaders is not realigous at all they want their evil and deadly violent dream about wimen into an reality. Cause after their torture in prison in Irak and Syria when they joined forces they can conducte their sexual deadly violent dream with help from their lojal brainless subjects.

torsdag 20 augusti 2015


When todays closed countries like Russia, Nort Korea, South Korea,Usa use propaganda of course ISIS will use them to. In think that we more edjucated population will go along with their propaganda.

 This is how they want the world and their to be lojal subjects  to see them.

We are an non violent/deadly group who talk gently with people who comes cross our path about implementing our interpretation of Koran.
We dont use children to kill our enemies, we teach them our Koran.
We teach the children in our organisation non violent/ deadly life for the future.

We just prepare the children in ISIS how they should behave as adults, this way of an preview of our dream future an non violent/deadly future ala ISIS.

Hmm, ocey their interpretation of non violent non deadly world does not as youtube videos shows they show more it has nothing to do with religion as they clame rather an more deadly violent dream scenario. Talk what an hugh gap of different view of what non violent non deadly reality.


Current president in Egypt Abdul Fatah al-Sisi has made an wrong decission recently. He just made ISIS turned on Egypt. Thats moste likely they did that terror attack. The more closed Egypt becomes it open up more for ISIS to take terror control over Egypts population.

So dear old war general Abdul use your old war strategy oposite way to make more difficult for recruiting egyptian youth by open up society and let journalist objective observe and come with inputs. But moste of all you old army guys dont keep distance from Egypts youth, the tomorrow future away from yourself. Cause what you army guys wanted as young are not the same stirve today's youth have. 
Cause with an open democratic society Abdul you close doors for terror organisations like ISIS and Al Qaida.

So military goverment in Egypt:

And be gratefull for the difference in your country, it is that what makes your country greate. And beatiful art and museum but also beatiful nature if you guys also focus of taking care and preserve your nature for the future.
Thanks ALLAH for your beatiful nature...
Either you are an muslim or islamist, sunnit or shiit,see the beatiful nature and take care of it. Not like ISIS polute it with blood and chemical weapons they stolen from al-Assad's storage.


It has come wellknown Putin and his ministers use trolls on different websites to make us think more like him. But it also shows he does not trust his own political agenda when he hires almoust same amount that Usa goverment hire to NSA to keep watchfull eyes on rest of the world. And in second breath say with an big smile trust us.

Is it only me who sees the serous irony in all of this in both Usa and Russia. Cause even Usa have their own lojal subjects who also make propaganda as russians do.

For Usa it is to cover up Bush and Cheney's real attentions with goverments current political agenda. But with 58% of Washingtons politians on their payroll so of cuase the put out smoke screens.

But for Russia it has become an different situation cause ruling Russia is 100 oligarks. 32 listed oligarks with majority of incoming profit to listed russian companies and an fragment of what Russian state treature needs. I appreciate Putin for not deny what he did in year 2000 and wonder what productive way out of this mess he and his old KGB friends started.
But with 70 years of corruption and then also old form of trolls used for propaganda. At first they thought it would work with russian way of propaganda on ISIS but soon realise that would not bite. It has not work for ISIS 7000 sleeping cells in Russia.
Why does Russias oligarks put out so much money on hire propaganda trolls, it's like they want keep other russian population not aware of the economical serous situation in Russia's state treature. 
Come on Russian oligarks of cause he had to expand more state staff in this hostale take over from state companies witch made this current economical disaster what is on the current horizon today. I understand why they made an hostale takeover with almoust all former state companies, but they by doing that made them temporary safe and left so many russians still in same poor living situation they fled from. Instead of productively building cheep house so not same old kind of living are common as for many russians today. And now by banning foreign products in Russia and still having heavy armed troops in east Ukrane they more take Russia federation into an negative economical irongrip to stall the unavoidable result. 
But the end resulotion does not mean Usa way or Eu:s, but it can also be an more productive result.

It is sad to see Putin and his ministers keep holding on to an old non productive political strategy. If it havent worked before why dress it in a new suit and think it still works, makes me supriced.


Angela Merkel aproval of 3:rd loan to Greece makes me wonder what's her private finances like. To give Greece a loan to be abel to pay loan. Wich means bigger amount of loan rate wich= bigger loan. But demand the Greece goerment cut off sickpay and sick pensions totally witch means in reality even more homeless of Greece population.

When Christine Lagard and severel other economical experts rings the warning bell cut your losses and declare Greece bankrupt. I have to agree with them.

But some credit and an salute for Angela Merkel cause camly accepting that 63 members of her political party voted against her show her political strength.
But the question is now when Greece is in even deeper debt are EU keeping the obvious declaration of Greece bankruptsy as an christmas gift ? Wouldn't it have been easiar to declare bankruptsy with less debt and loangivers had less loss of loans than december & january.


To be a politian today is not easy. Why i say that is cause recent in Finland primeminister Alexander Stubbs home got attack during night with stones mashing their windows. And he has underaged children. 

When people threaten and attack politians private homes what makes them think that will create more open politians?

Before ayatollah Khamenei had an open twitter account, it was fun and interesting to discuss different things and we both were amased how we thought and viewed the world. But i also saw an intellegent man who also created laws built by his life experience. But i also saw that Khamenei was realy an accepting man of differences in society. Then deththreat poor over him daily so he got a protected account witch in reality means if you as ordinary person want to say something productive to him and not threaten him one has to say thru president Ruhani.
Former swedish primeminister Fredrik Reinfelt was also threatend. 
But also today under serious threat are Vladimir Putin, Angela Merkel,Francois Hollande,Xi Jinping,Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Michele Bachelet this a few of many leading politians under constant threat.

I have realised that if one talk respectfull to an president ,ceo,primeminister or roalty one can accomplish much more productive and make that person more aware of difference of theory and reality.
With treats and attack to politians private homes they need more security protection witch makes them more live in a bubble. Treat others like you want to be treated is an golden rule where ever one lives.